Skincare Trends That Actually Work

Taking care of your skin is critical to look and feel your best. With the rise of beauty influencers on TikTok and Instagram, you may have noticed lots of skincare content. However, not all advice is worth following. Curious about what’s worth your time and effort? Here, we share a few skincare trends that actually work. And remember, estheticians at our Denver medical spa are always here to answer your questions! 

Vitamin C 

If vitamin C isn’t part of your daily skincare regimen, add it to your rotation as soon as possible. Recent studies show that vitamin C is highly effective at reducing oxidative stress and preserving elastin, a protein that provides tissue elasticity. Everyone can benefit from incorporating products that contain vitamin C into their skincare routine, and we offer several excellent options at our spa. If you’d like to explore our recommendations, make an appointment for an evaluation, and one of our experienced estheticians will help you select the best formulation for your needs. 


Retinoids are a form of vitamin A and have been shown to offer many benefits for the skin. Products containing vitamin A derivatives have skyrocketed in popularity, and retinol, in particular, could be a valuable addition to your skincare routine. Retinol is a type of retinoid that can improve skin tone, pigmentation, and texture. However, it’s not for everyone and can irritate some individuals. If you’re noticing some irritation, consider reducing the application frequency and always follow up with a moisturizer. 

Daily Moisturizer

Speaking of moisturizer, it’s a component of skin care that should never be overlooked. We’re thankful that the importance of moisturizer is getting a lot of attention because it truly is the bedrock of healthy skin (especially in our dry climate!). Finding the right moisturizer is often challenging because the number of choices can be overwhelming. If you’re unsure about your skin type, call us. We’re happy to evaluate your skin and provide recommendations. 


Microneedling is a practice that few people have heard of, even just a few years ago. Now, it has found its way into the mainstream as influencers promote its incredible healing properties. If you’re unfamiliar with microneedling, it’s a minimally invasive procedure involving tiny needles to penetrate the top layer of skin. This stimulates the skin’s natural healing process, generating new collagen and elastin. A word to the wise–microneedling should always be done by a professional. DIY kits are available online, but the best results come from a licensed skincare expert. 

Skincare hasn’t always been in the spotlight, and we love that more folks from all walks of life are paying attention to its importance. There are many fads, but the trends we discussed here aren’t one of them. These products and services should be a mainstay of any skincare regimen and can make a noticeable difference in your skin’s vitality and appearance. Please visit our medical spa in Denver to learn more about your unique skin. We’re passionate about skincare and would love to help you achieve your goals through spa services and a home routine. Contact our team to schedule your consultation!


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